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Index du forum »»  Création »» 2 démos ENCORE, 300% MorphOS :)

2 démos ENCORE, 300% MorphOS :)#2141

1 Modérateur(s)
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post

very honored by your presence here !

Welcome !

Thanks a lot for your poductions 300% MorphOS ;-)

Waiting Morphobia :-D
MDW MDWicon_post
Good news for retro-demosceners.
Organisers of Decrunch 2020 party in Wrocław/Poland didn't cancel the party. They have just announced new date of the party - 31 July - 2 August 2020. https://
So we have more time for create "Morphobia" - third part of the trilogy.
Jedi Jediicon_post
Thanks for these good news MDW !
Jedi Jediicon_post

Après MORPHOZA & MORPHILIA (300% MorphOS ^^), voici 2 autres démos Amiga PPC d'ENCORE (Hi MDW ) , beaucoup plus anciennes mais qui fonctionnent aussi très bien sur MorphOS, et en plein écran !

Présentes dans le "MorphOS Demopack 1.0" (dossier WOS / WarpOS demos) :

(sauf erreur, non présentes sur MorphOS-Storage)

La première : SULACO

La deuxième : BY NIGHT

 This message was edited by : Jedi / 2020-06-17 17:26
Templario Templarioicon_post
How many megabytes has the MorphOS Demopack 1.0?
Jedi Jediicon_post
@Templario :

LHA Archive : 542 Mo

Decompressed : 838 Mo

Templario Templarioicon_post
Thank you for the answer.
ACE ACEicon_post
En tout cas je trouve que c'est de très belle démos !
MDW MDWicon_post

I would like to inform that next demo called "Morphobia" is almost finished. This is the last part of MorphOS-trilogy. Currently I am adding some details, more butterflies, fixing synchronisation with music, trying to optimise some parts of code, writing end scroll texts.

Skyrunner of Brain Control made great music special for demo. He was very involved, was working hard on this song, sent me many versions and supported me sending many interesting ideas. He created parts of music special for proper effect, scenes. I think music and video/sound synchronisation will be strong part of the production.

Graphics 2D/3D and animation are not very good because everything was made by me. However not good gfx will be compensated by interesting ideas (sometimes quite funny I hope).

I am almost sure that this time I will release final version on Decrunch 2020 party (31st July - 2nd August). No preview, no alpha/beta. Just final version. I will release executable version for MorphOS and video created from frames generated in special mode of the demo (fixed 60 fps).

Please don't tell anyone - I am as excited as I am tired.

So... see you on August.
 This message was edited by : MDW / 2020-07-19 17:07
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post

thanks a lot for your announcement ! I'm very impatient to watch the last demo of the trilogy !

Thanks a lot for all your hard work, i'm sure it will be an appotheosis ;-)

"impatient mode on"