I would like to inform that next demo called "Morphobia" is almost finished. This is the last part of MorphOS-trilogy. Currently I am adding some details, more butterflies, fixing synchronisation with music, trying to optimise some parts of code, writing end scroll texts.
Skyrunner of Brain Control made great music special for demo. He was very involved, was working hard on this song, sent me many versions and supported me sending many interesting ideas. He created parts of music special for proper effect, scenes. I think music and video/sound synchronisation will be strong part of the production.
Graphics 2D/3D and animation are not very good because everything was made by me.

However not good gfx will be compensated by interesting ideas (sometimes quite funny I hope).
I am almost sure that this time I will release final version on Decrunch 2020 party (31st July - 2nd August). No preview, no alpha/beta. Just final version.

I will release executable version for MorphOS and video created from frames generated in special mode of the demo (fixed 60 fps).
Please don't tell anyone - I am as excited as I am tired.
So... see you on August.
This message was edited by : MDW / 2020-07-19 17:07