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Index du forum »»  Création »» 2 démos ENCORE, 300% MorphOS :)

2 démos ENCORE, 300% MorphOS :)#2141

1 Modérateur(s)
Jedi Jediicon_post
Hi MDW :)

Thanks for these last news !

I am also very impatient
 This message was edited by : Jedi / 2020-07-19 12:14
MDW MDWicon_post
Several screenshots from “Work in Progress” stage I published on Twitter ( However most of details I didn’t published.

During creating demo/engine I use several languages. The most difficult is English. It is more difficult than C, C++, Objective-C and Python.
 This message was edited by : MDW / 2020-07-19 18:18
waldiamiga waldiamigaicon_post
Permettez-moi de vous rappeler que MDW a également codé un jeu de style Asteroids appelé Fortis
Primary - A1139, Secondary - A1138...and new - A1145
Templario Templarioicon_post
The site isn't show correctly, neither we can download the game or one demo from it.
MDW MDWicon_post
Ech, Fortis... 10 years ago... The game is also available on
Unfortunately I noticed the Fortis doesn't work on the latest version of MorphOS. I will check (probably at the end of August) why the game crashes on new MOS and probably release fixed version. :) Architecture

Generally after Decrunch 2020 I am going to stop my demoscene activity and back to creating new game. I have already implemented the most difficult (for me) elements, learned a lot, implemented risky (for me) algorithms. I frozen the development because demo and engine required a lot of my time.
 This message was edited by : MDW / 2020-07-20 12:19
Templario Templarioicon_post
Well, other MorphOS game, and what is the objetive inthe game?
MDW MDWicon_post
I think the project is in too early stage.

I think the project is in too early stage to talk about it. You know - we don’t like promises and plans in Amiga-world. We like facts.
Templario Templarioicon_post
You have reason, because the last five years we have seen many articles, and promises of games and programs, as Wings, etc.
Jedi Jediicon_post
Hi MDW :)

Here we are ! The week-end of the Decrunch 2020 !

Only few hours to watch your production...

I'm more and more impatient ;)
MDW MDWicon_post
I have just sumbitted executable version to Later I will upload to Amnet too. And I changed status of video on YouTube from "private" to "public".

I was on 26 demoscene parties (from 1994). This party was the most strange demoscene party.
 This message was edited by : MDW / 2020-08-02 11:15