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Index du forum »»  Général »» A-EON OS?

A-EON OS?#2220

1 Modérateur(s)
Templario Templarioicon_post
I have read this news from Amiganews:
It is true other AmigaOS? and with so OS for Amiga systems we will destroy the the niche of Amiga, because for new users, the big question what Amiga OS does install? and if it is true for what machines, Sams too and the other PPC machines like Macs?
Visiteur Visiteuricon_post
Interesting. But A-EON is supposed to work with Hyperion and their OS4. Why making a new OS?
I'm running and it's already hard to list all distros available... [addsig]
Jedi Jediicon_post
Quote : Salome
Interesting. But A-EON is supposed to work with Hyperion and their OS4. Why making a new OS?

Probably new rights problems with Hyperion / Ben Hermans...
Visiteur Visiteuricon_post
Without A-EON, OS4 can't run on any hardware (except old classic PPC Amigas).
Jedi Jediicon_post
Or A-EON is not satisfied with Hyperion's AmigaOS4 developments (hardware poorly supported, slow upgrades,...) ?
 This message was edited by : Jedi / 2021-07-10 12:34
Templario Templarioicon_post
Or AmigaOS4 are very rich and want spend their money in several OS4 systems, in my case, not with two AmigaOS4 for each Sam, is enough and insufferable as to repeat other two AEON-OS for each Sam, is more easy in MorphOS the same CD for the two Macs.