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Scriba 0.0.18 1256

Carsten 'pegasossigi2' Siegner propose une nouvelle version alpha de son traitement de texte Scriba

Voir une capture d'écran.
une vidéo de démonstration.

La liste des nouveautés est disponible dans la suite de cet article (en anglais).

Télécharger Scriba_0.0.18.lha (2,5 Mo).



Global FontConfig system! Exactly how do I use OWB now SYS:Fonts/Fontconfig/fonts.conf.
Scriba is now completely converted to the shared libraries of MorphOS 3.1.
So, I've now switched to Font_lister.config. Now that the directory for
Font_Lister means you have to the old directory "default" delete.
The new will be created automatically.

In PostScript mode, I've now added the landscape. Now you can pages in portrait or
Landscape printing via PostScript.

The highlighter is accelerated by a factor of 100! I've added a marker cache.
This can be seen but only if you write at least 6 pages and then something on the last
Disadvantage of the acceleration is, however, is now the maximum number of characters is limited to two millionth

As a side effect of copying the text into the Clippboard is slightly faster.
Take advantage of them does the surface-update feature. The MUI interface is now noticeably
quickly updated when you move the cursor over the characters.

Some bugs in the text editor I've eliminated!

The text flow around graphics I've slightly modified: If one tries to center, or right
Let lines flow around graphics, these lines are automatically converted to left-justified.
Only left-justified lines to flow around!

Papiosaurpapiosaur Publié le : Vendredi 13 juillet 2012 @ 06:40:04