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Index du forum »»  Développement »» DuneLegacy 0.96.5b MOS Edition --> Dispo

DuneLegacy 0.96.5b MOS Edition --> Dispo#1883

2 Modérateur(s)
BeWorld BeWorldicon_post
hello !

Je viens de finaliser le portage de DuneLegacy 0.96.3.


Bon jeu !

IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7
My Works
JEEG JEEGicon_post
Excellente nouvelle, dès que j'ai un peu de temps, je me jette dessus. Merci BeWorld
daff dafficon_post
Très bonne réimplémentation de Dune 2 qui ne dénature pas le jeu d'origine.
BeWorld BeWorldicon_post

je suis en train de faire une version 0.96.4 sans SDL2

Après pas mal de difficulté, je commence à jour le jour :

J'en suis la :
version 0.96.4b
* New AI Smart Bot and Quant Bot
* Maximum number of units per house (either map dependent or as a new game option "override maximum number of units")
* Units entering refineries or repair yards are now moving onto the structure tile before disappearing
* New key bindings: Cycle through construction yards with 'H' and factories with 'F'
* Improve performance of Fog of War
* Units can now be instructed to find the next repair yard on their own
* Save game speed, scroll speed and sound volume as game settings
* In campaign mode, the map choice screen remembers the region of a failed mission (the user has to select a different region)
* New game option "Manual Carryall Drops"
* Store complete map in save games (and replays) of single player custom games
* Bugfix (Bug #70): Changing the player name makes replays crash
* Bugfix (Bug #40): Bullets from gun turrets hit own building, e.g. other turrets (Reported by Dream Worker)
* Bugfix (Bug 3610246): Mentat help used wrong houses (Reported by kuffar)

j'aurais besoin dans pas longtemps d'un ou deux testeurs, pour voir si ca tiens la route.
IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7
My Works
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post
Je veux bien tester stp :-D

Un upload sur le répertoire Beta de MorphOS Storage ?
BeWorld BeWorldicon_post
voila j'ai fini, je suis arrivé au bout du code.... vacherie... bon je test.

Ca sera une version intermédiaire avec un max options de la toute dernière version.
IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7
My Works
BeWorld BeWorldicon_post
- j'ai laissé le jeu en 8 bits... donc pas de graphique HD comme dans la version SDL2

Voila le change log :

version 0.96.5b MOS Edition
* Air unit limit increases with (ground) unit limit
* Bugfix (Bug #77) Window moves to primary screen on resolution change (Reported by Urs Enke)
* Bugfix (Bug #81) Wrong "Built Object" stats (Reported by Urs Enke)
* Bugfix (Bug #82) Deviator effectlessly targets Sandworms (Reported by Urs Enke)
* Bugfix (Bug #83) Crash when trying to change options and no language is selected (Reported by Petr Holik)
* New AI Smart Bot and Quant Bot
* Maximum number of units per house (either map dependent or as a new game option "override maximum number of units")
* Units entering refineries or repair yards are now moving onto the structure tile before disappearing
* New key bindings: Cycle through construction yards with 'H' and factories with 'F'
* Improve performance of Fog of War
* Units can now be instructed to find the next repair yard on their own
* Save game speed, scroll speed and sound volume as game settings
* In campaign mode, the map choice screen remembers the region of a failed mission (the user has to select a different region)
* New game option "Manual Carryall Drops"
* Mentat's eyes are following the cursor
* Clicking on mentat's eyes makes him blink and clicking on mentat's mouth makes him open it
* Store complete map in save games (and replays) of single player custom games
* 18 new maps by heinrich arkonnen
* 4 new maps by Kuffar
* Bugfix (Bug #32): Repaired units getting removed from control group (Reported by Chan Kun Wa)
* Bugfix (Bug #36): AI non-hostile and inactive (Reported by Chan Kun Wa)
* Bugfix (Bug #40): Bullets from gun turrets hit own building, e.g. other turrets (Reported by Dream Worker)
* Bugfix (Bug #50): Changing the player's name while playing a mission makes starting the next mission or restarting the current mission crash
* Bugfix (Bug #53): SFX mismatch when playing Harkonnen
* Bugfix (Bug #62): Worms spawn under rock (Reported by heinrich arkonnen)
* Bugfix (Bug #70): Changing the player name makes replays crash
* Bugfix (Bug #71): Ornithopter animation is too fast (Thanks to Kartones for the patch)
* Bugfix (Bug 3610246): Mentat help used wrong houses (Reported by kuffar)
IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7
My Works
Papiosaur Papiosauricon_post
Encore bravo :=! :=! :=!
BeWorld BeWorldicon_post
bon j'ai un soucis avec les sauvegardes... tout le reste est ok.... je cherche :paf
IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7
My Works
BeWorld BeWorldicon_post
Bon suis passé de GCC 4 à GCC 5..... a suivre.... :paf
IMAC 2.1 / PB 1.5G 17 / PM G5 2.7
My Works