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Index du forum »»  Général »» [Résolu] - Virtualiser MorphOS dans Qemu ? retour d'expérience ?

[Résolu] - Virtualiser MorphOS dans Qemu ? retour d'expérience ?#2285

1 Modérateur(s)
ACE ACEicon_post
I'have tested Qemu with Morphos it works, but Ati display IS buggy, a bit usable for just a try , on the ryzen3 of my daughter it is working like on my old G3 but so far from my powerbook G4...
It should work better with a very expensive Pc..
For me it's interesting for developpement, you can cross compile on a powerfull machine and next try on qemu if it runs. And use debug.
But for a daily use it's not usable today.
Wayfarer was so slower on the ryzen3 .... so i prefer stop the expérience.
 Message édité par : ACE / 01-01-2023 20:21
 Message édité par : ACE / 01-01-2023 20:22
Templario Templarioicon_post
The best use of QEMU is to test the MorphOS ISO to install, but to use it is as "C'est un mal de tête" I use it with a PC Windos with a i5 and the emulation isn't slow but the program confuses the MorphOS system bar with the program border jumping form Windos to MorphOS, it is a hell, but to test the ISO is the best option.
Templario Templarioicon_post
The best use of QEMU is to test the MorphOS ISO to install, but to use it is as "C'est un mal de tête" I use it with a PC Windos with a i5 and the emulation isn't slow but the program confuses the MorphOS system bar with the program border jumping form Windos to MorphOS, it is a hell, but to test the ISO is the best option.
yogiofvm yogiofvmicon_post
hello both !

So then i think i go leave this idea, perhaps one day buying a powerbook g4 for it. It would be bettre for ^^

Thanx a lot about it !

And nice to read you Ace ^^
